JOBS Jobs are necessary so that the people may think about what they did. If no one thought about what they did, no one would be employed. Wages are simply the cherries on top of the ice cream sundae of being employed. You get to say to attractive folk "Oh golly gee, I didn't see you there. Did you hear I am employed?" Contractually, that allows you to be a functioning member of society. You signed the agreement. I say you sign it. We all abide by this. Please ignore the stock market while you work for your wages and social clout. There's nothing to see over there. Just some economics people talking about economics or something. Don't worry about it. I'm sure they know what they're doing. They have your best interests at heart. Trust me. Trust them. *grins with a total lack of conscience* Franchising Expansion Seizing Power from the existing food venues and centralizing it under the iron grip of the food truck.